Ever since I can remember, I have always had three fears: earthquakes, nuclear war, and the end of the world. I remember being a very young girl pondering and wondering why these things had to exist. I recently identified my root to these fears- death. I am afraid to die.
I think this realization came at the perfect time during the Advent season. It's a time of hoping and waiting. Recently, I have been challenging my fears. I will die with or without an earthquake, nuclear war, or the end times. I realized I need to change my attitude from fear to hope, of course with preparation. I do not need to fear death, if I know Christ. Christ is the secret to facing my fears. If I live for Him and hope in Him, my fears can be transformed to hope and love. These are deep rooted fears, so I know they will not disappear overnight, but I will start today, the first day of Advent. Of course, I will ask my dear Mother to help me conquer these fears. My dear beautiful mother, please help me conquer these fears and hope in your Son, the living God. Amen