Monday, January 11, 2010

The Eyes of the Father

I don't want to be presumptuous thinking I know what it looks like through the eyes of God, but as of late, I can't help but think what a bad wrap I've given God the Father. Through different experiences I've encountered the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, I've always been afraid of the Father and have kept Him at an arm's length.

Having a child, I have had an opportunity to think about the Father's love. My son is the apple of my eye. The simple things that he does bring me so much joy. The first time my son babbled, smiled, sat up, crawled, said his first word, and took his first step was a deep joy that you would have thought he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

I know it says in scripture that we are the apple of God's eye, so just like my son brings me so much joy, the Father must have that same joy for us when we love Him and live our life according to His commands.

A different thought, even when we chose to disobey God, he doesn't find joy in our choices but he still loves us with an unconditional love. This is bewildering.

I never would have thought my son would have caused me the reflect the Father's love. Another gift of motherhood.

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